What You Need To Know About Affiliate Links

What no one told me about affiliate links

One of the easiest ways you can monetize your blog as a beginner is by using affiliate links.  But, what no one told me was how to set them up properly so Google doesn’t think you’re trying to manipulate your page ranking! Just to be clear I am in no way an expert on SEO.  […] Read more…

How to manage money during a financial crisis

How to manage money during a financial crisis

The world has been hit with a financial crisis and we all need to adjust how we manage money. So many people lost their jobs recently and don’t know how they are going to overcome this financial crisis.  You may have already been living pay check to pay check, trying to pay down debt or […] Read more…

8 biggest mistakes I made my first 3 months blogging

8 biggest blogging mistakes I made my first 3 months

No one talks about the blogging mistakes they made. You only hear about how successful they are and how much they made from day 1. These are the 8 mistakes I made my first 3 months blogging so you can learn from my worst frustrations.  *** Some of the links in this post are affiliate […] Read more…

Health benefits of juicing

10 unbelievable health benefits of juicing and the hidden dangers no one talks about

There are a variety of health benefits of juicing vegetables and fruit but there are also some minor risks that you need to be aware of.   You can only eat so many fruits and vegetables in a day.  Juicing retains most of its nutrients found in the whole version of those foods.  This means […] Read more…

Make Pins FAST

How to create Pinterest pins FAST

There is a brand spankin new tool that create 100’s of Pinterest pins with the click of a button and save you HOURS. Pinterest Pins We all know that Pinterest recently changed their algorithm. One of the most important things Pinterest deemed key to expand your reach is FRESH content. But, what exactly does that […] Read more…

10 Financial Benefits To Starting A Blog Today

What are the financial benefits of starting a blog?Have you ever wondered why the most successful people own businesses? Here I list 10 significant financial benefits of starting a blog that you can’t ignore. 1-Tax benefits Most people know that starting a business allows you to write things off. What they don’t know or understand […] Read more…

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